These are concepts of formal poetry:
FOOT | |
Iamb (Iambic) | Unstressed + Stressed |
Trochee (Trochaic) | Stressed + Unstressed |
Spondee (Spondaic) | Stressed + Stressed |
Anapest (Anapestic) | Unstressed + Unstressed + Stressed |
Dactyl (Dactylic) | Stressed + Unstressed + Unstressed |
Monometer | One Foot |
Dimeter | Two Feet |
Trimeter | Three Feet |
Tetrameter | Four Feet |
Pentameter | Five Feet |
Hexameter | Six Feet |
Heptameter | Seven Feet |
Octameter | Eight Feet |
Incomplete foot at the end of the line: Catalexis
Complete foot at the end of the line: Acatalexis
Distich | Two lines |
Tercet | Three lines |
Quatrain | Four lines |
Cinquain | Five lines |
Sestet/sextain | Six lines |
Septet | Seven lines |
Octave | Eight lines |