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Common Sense

| Common measure |

The only value is The Son
which cannot be discussed.
The Daughter people make for fun.
She is the fun expressed.

The only value is to light,
a value not to rain.
To rain is subsequently right.
The rain is only gain.

And, it would die, the earth, if not
it did not have the rain.
The thing, though, is that she has got
the Sun to ease her pain.

The sun, in fact, created rain.
We all know this for sure.
The only value is not gain,
though will through all endure.

The only value is the taste.
The smell a taste has got.
If not, the smell would go to waste.
A value she is not.

And, so it is with powers two
established on the earth.
The contradiction will not do
since one will be of worth.

| They say | the term common measure is used to describe a quatrain where iambic tetrameters and iambic trimeters are alternating with rhyme scheme
| abab | or | abcb |.

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