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| Alexandrine |

I wonder if I ever will think I am safe.
It is not like I am subjected to a strafe.
It is more like I am a certain kind of tree;
a branch of Christ which will the fruit of Jesus free.
Anxiety I feel whenever I make art.
I wonder when the feeling being saved will start.
Anxiety! I seek you as the bird the air,
believing, only, that its little wing is fair.
And when it is, I find a place to stop and sing.
A tree-top, where I praise and celebrate my wing.
But not for long. Again I must my power test!
Anxiety! God given. Never give me rest!

| They say | there should be twelve syllables in the line, and that line is what is called an alexandrine. In English, I believe, the alexandrine should be an iambic hexameter. The poem alexandrine is made up of six alexandrine couplets. The couplet should rhyme.

I believe in French they do not have stressed syllables, so the alexandrine, as the rime coulée, is only syllabic.

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