| Pantoum |
I am as eager as can be
to see the being of The Lord.
I do afford serenity.
The Lord will my reward afford.
To see the being of The Lord
is salvage to the positive.
The Lord will my reward afford.
The Lord condemns the negative.
Is salvage to the positive
the being of The Lord, for sure
The Lord condemns the negative.
Help is afforded to the sore.
The being of The Lord, for sure –
I do afford serenity –
help is afforded to the sore.
I am as eager as can be.
| They say | a pantoum is of any number of quatrains. The second and the fourth lines of the first stanza make out the first and the third lines in the second stanza, the second and the fourth lines of the second stanza make out the first and the third lines in the third stanza, and this pattern repeats itself, but in the last stanza, also the third and the first lines of the first stanza make out the second and fourth lines. The stanzas should be quatrains, and the rhyme scheme should be
| abab |.
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